路由# 321076470

How to Prevent Identity Theft


Identity theft is a serious threat – but you can worry less if you’re informed 和 protect your personal information.


Identity theft includes any kind of scam or crime resulting in the loss of personal information — such as Social Security 数字, online usernames 和 passwords, 银行信息, or credit card 数字 — that is used without your permission to commit fraud 和 other crimes. According to the FTC, up to 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. The consequences of identity theft range from annoying to life-altering, 和 can cost hundreds or thous和s of dollars to resolve.

The worst cases cause tremendous damage to a person’s reputation, causing them to lose job opportunities, 被学校拒绝, be turned down for house or car loans, 和 even be arrested for crimes committed by someone else using their identity.

How are identities stolen?

Fraudsters use all types of methods: stealing mail from your mailbox, rummage through your trash for bills 和 bank statements, stealing wallets 和 purses, or making a copy of your credit card when its used in a restaurant. 在线, there’s even more danger – phishing, social media 和 romantic scams, 和 software downloaded onto phones 和 computers that steals personal information. Using unsecured wifi networks, taking money from a compromised ATM, or being victim to a data breach are other ways identities are stolen.

How can you protect yourself from identity theft?

Although there’s many ways identity thieves work, you can protect yourself by following these guidelines.

  1. 常规的ly update the software 和 operating systems on your smartphone 和 computer– this will get you the latest security updates. Only download software from legitimate sources, like your phone’s official app store.
  2. Avoid spam 和 phishing (check out our 避免网络钓鱼技巧).
  3. Steer clear of scams (learn how to identify a scammer).
  4. 使用强密码 ——一堆字母, 数字, 和 symbols that does not contain important dates or 数字 like your birth year or ZIP Code.
  5. Monitor your 信用评分 regularly (learn more about 信用评分how to check your score 和 get a free report). 查看你的信用评分. Look to see if there are new credit cards, loans or other transactions on your account that you are not aware of. If there are, take immediate steps to have these terminated 和 investigated.
  6. Only use reputable websites when shopping online. If you haven’t heard of the company, do some homework before giving them your payment information. How are they reviewed by other users online? 他们用保险箱吗, encrypted connection for personal 和 financial information (http 和 not http)?
  7. Stay alert for common signs of identity theft:
    • False information on your credit reports, including the wrong Social Security number, 账号, 地址(es), 姓名或雇主姓名.
    • Bills or other mail that’s missing or comes late. This could indicate that an ID thief has hijacked your account 和 changed your billing address to help hide the crime.
    • Receiving new credit cards you didn’t apply for.
    • Having credit denied or being subject to high-interest rates for no apparent reason.
    • Getting calls or notices about past due bills for products or services you didn’t buy.
  8. Think twice before joining an unsecured wifi network — 和 if you are on an unsecured network at a coffee shop or airport, don’t log in to your bank account or other sensitive websites. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN), which is a tool that helps shield your information from prying eyes on public wifi networks.

Every Patelco Mastercard debit 和 credit card comes st和ard with Mastercard® ID Theft Protection™,提供 ID盗窃警报™, emergency assistance with card replacement, 和 expert resolution services if you’re targeted for identity theft. Learn more 和 sign up today at 万事达卡.美国/ idtheftprotection.

